If the card you have on file in your Dockwa account has been replaced or compromised and you need to update the number, expiration date, or CVC/security code please sign into Dockwa and navigate to the "Payments" section of your account here: https://dockwa.com/account/payment
To update the expiration date only:
Find the card that needs updating and click "EDIT"
Update the info
Click "Update Card" to save
To update the expiration and security code:
If presented with the option to "delete", please delete the card and then click the "Add New Card" button to add a new card with the correct info
If the card on file is linked to active or future reservation(s) with Dockwa marinas, you will have the option to "Change" the card on file
Click the "Change" link, reenter all the credit card info
Click "Update Payment Method" to save the changes
Please Note: If you need to change the card on your active reservations - you can only do so in your online Dockwa account. You cannot do this action from the Dockwa App.