Summary - This document details important information that helps us to deliver the highest quality Marina Maps to you.
Keys to a Good Intake Map
Correct and up to date docks with slips (not abstracted)
Have each slip labeled
If linear dock, provide: name, length, and orientation
A few landmarks
Ex. dock office, entrance channel, compass rose, etc
Clear list of dock elements that the marina needs, as well as “nice to haves”
fuel, pump out, etc
Nice to haves will be assessed based on clarity to avoid cluttering in the design.
Clearly marked electric pedestals (if you’re including them) and their power capabilities with exact wording
Ex. 30AMP, 50AMP, 100AMP - Single Phase, and 100AMP - Three Phase
Examples of Good Intake Maps
Examples of maps a marina already had:
These are good because they account for landmarks and the surrounding area and clearly state the dock names and slip names.
If your marina does not have a map example:
When a marina does not have a map, your Marina Success Manager may need to work directly with you to annotate a google map. In order to do so, make sure to clarify the keys stated above.
This map below was made with a tablet and stencil.
This is a good example of what can be made on a laptop for a dock with one space group.
For Best Results
Work with your Marina Success Manager to provide all of the above to the best of your abilities before we submit a map to our design team.
If there is incomplete information or something is hard to understand, we will contact you quickly to seek understanding before moving forward.