Why Are BoatUS Deals Showing on My Profile?
Dockwa syncs live with BoatUS’s discount data. This ensures that any active BoatUS deals associated with your marina, as listed in the BoatUS Discount Center, are accurately reflected on your Dockwa profile.
If a BoatUS discount suddenly appeared on your Dockwa page, it’s because BoatUS has your marina listed as offering a discount. You can check your active deal directly in the BoatUS Discount Center.
What If I Don’t Want the BoatUS Deal on My Profile?
If your marina does not wish to honor the listed BoatUS discount, you can have it removed. Here’s how:
Confirm the Discount: Visit your marina’s page in the BoatUS Discount Center to verify the listed deal.
Contact BoatUS:
Email their team at [email protected] to request removal or modification of your discount.
You can also learn more about partnering with BoatUS here.
Notify Dockwa (Optional): While Dockwa reflects discounts directly from BoatUS, we’re happy to assist in ensuring your profile aligns with your preferences. Once BoatUS removes the discount, the changes will update on Dockwa automatically.
1. How do I check if my marina has an active BoatUS discount?
Visit the BoatUS Discount Center and search for your marina by name.
2. How long does it take for a discount to be removed?
Once BoatUS processes your request to remove or update a deal, the changes will reflect on Dockwa after the next data sync.